Rock Hard Sports

Today, I watched Indy & NASCAR. At the end I heard "the car was not fast, strong or good enough t o win". Ok, but how do I know that it was the car's fault. Like horses, they can not talk. I mean really, it's very reasonable that the driver choked on the the last lap. I guess, his sponsors feel "better" that they did not win because of the car. He would lose a gig, if he jumps out and says "It was my fault we lost, the car was the best on the track".
In hoops, a guy can miss a shot to lose. We boo, or understand. In Football, a dropped pass can cost the game. We hiss or cheer.Maybe, that's why I am addicted to not watching the "performance enhancing sports". Horse Racing, Auto Racing, Golf or any sport that so heavily relies on equipment, that they can blame the outcome on the poor performance of "machines or animals". Nobody cares, if sports gear gets sent to the nearest Play It Again store or sent to junk, its inanimate. Yet, an athlete will get cut or lose his job and certainly scarred by fans. Even TO can't get a raise, and he played in the Superbowl on a broken leg.
Like most conundrums in the world, technology can enrich life & solve this problem. Car sports have GPS technologies, that read and report speed, throttel, fuel and other cool stats that enrich the viewing experience. To hook me, they have to start monitoring the performance of the driver, and report it to me in real-time so that I can be sure this driver is not throwing a race. I mean put it on the scoreboard "He just screwed up" in flashing lights. Sure, they can send it to my mobiile phone. But surfing those stats is hard work and I watch the sport becasue I want to watch and not participate. Well, on second thought I would have liked to been in Detroit during the brawl. There is something stimulating about clocking a multi-millionaire in his grill on TV. I could think of 5 friends whom would've gladly bailed me out, paid the fine and then took me out for a few cold drinks.
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